2012-2014: Recesses, Basins and Passes
2012: Passes and CircuitsFor me, this year was the beginning of something new, exciting and challenging in the Sierra Nevada: In February, my left knee was replaced with titanium and chromium alloy, so the initial challenge was to be back hiking the mountains as soon as possible ... despite some pain and restricted flex. In August I planned to walk the JMT for the 11th year, only six months after the knee surgery ... would I be able to do it? Hiking uphill with the new knee required no additional effort and downhill was now painless, but needed some caution in not slipping or stubbing my left foot on even minor projections. Each of these events was an "Ouch", often followed by a fall. Oddly, the most significant problem with the new knee was around camp: Getting in and out of the tent and sitting on rocks or logs that were too low for the available flex in the implant and its remaining scar tissue. |
2013: Passes and BasinsIn January of this year, my right knee was replaced with titanium and chromium alloy, thereby completing my transformation from "Kiwiyellowshirt" into the "Tinman" [Titanium Man] . Once again, I had every intention of walking the full JMT in August and planned warm up trips as soon as my new knee would allow. So, in June I headed down the Yosemite Grand Canyon from Glen Aulin to White Wolf, followed in early July with a Benson Lake Circuit from Twin Lakes. Then in late July, shortly before the start of my annual JMT trip, accompanied by my nephew Bill and his wife Heidi, we hiked a McGee - Mono Pass circuit that included a visit into the Pioneer Basin. |
2014: Passes and RecessesThis year, with both knees free of flexion pain, life was good on the trails of the Sierra Nevada. So confident was I with my improved physical ability, I even entertained the idea of returning to some cross-country routes, in particular short sections of Roper's Sierra High Route. But as a lead up to this rather extreme activity, I completed another McGee - Mono Pass circuit in mid July, with Bob Williams, Rob Anderson and David Dowd. In early August, Bob and I set off up the Lakes Valley Trail from Mosquito Flat, with the intent to climb Cox Col to Italy Lake, then over Gabbot Pass and down the Second Recess to Mono Creek. We revised this plan after the first day ... raining and getting off route across extensive talus. We spent the night at Gem Lakes and returned to Mosquito Flat the next morning to head over Mono Pass into the Mono Creek drainage. Once there, we first entered the Fourth Recess for one night and then down Mono Creek to the Second Recess to setup a base camp at the end of the maintained trail. What followed was a challenging day trying to follow the High Route south in the Recess to the Mills Creek Lakes and Gabbot Pass. We managed to get lost on the initial steep climb from our camp, but finally found a route to Lower Mills Creek Lake [our high point], then returned to our camp on track. Next year we'll complete this High Route section in much better style!
©2014 Peter Tremayne, Reno NV
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